Guest talk on Food Waste Management by Dr. Alwin D’Souza

July 11, 2023

A Session on “Food Waste Management” was organized on 11th July 2023. The Resource person was Dr. Alwin D’Souza, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, New Mexico State University.

Dr. Alwin D’Souza in his session said- To launch a business means successfully solving problems. Solving problems means listening. Five ingredients are necessary for the success of start-ups – idea, team, plan, funding, timing. Managing food waste is a sustainable development goal (SDG). 1.3 billion of tons of food wasted every year. Total 925 million of people are hungry. Reasons for food waste in a developing country like India are: 1) Insufficient production process 2) Improper storage. Reasons for food waste in a developed country like India are: 1) Impulse buying 2) Attracted to promotion.

He also focused on few solutions for food-waste management like meal kit delivery services, grocery items with imperfect produce, food bank/Mobile app, upcycling food products. It was indeed a informative session. 118 students benefitted from the session.